Some information about working with spouse visa: Generally it is constitutet in § 29 V AufenthG that as spouse you have the work permit as well, but you should keep in mind two aspects: It is the same kind of work permit your wife/husband obtains. For instance: If self-employed work is not allowed in the husband´s or wife´s visa, you will not get the permit to work self employed. And if you find an employer you must watch out for § 4 II 3 AufenthG: They will do an employment market check most likely. That means they watch out for privileged employers, Germans, Europeans or privileged Non-EU-Nationals. Only if the check is negative, you will receive a work permit.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
About Me
- Name: Immigration Blog
- Location: Kopenhagener Str.44, 10437 Berlin, Germany
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